The Disappearing Golf Balls

Oct 11, 2019 2264

Radio Version:

The Disappearing Gold Balls

When my kids were small, we decided to visit a beautiful championship golf course, though none of us knew anything about golf.

We’d finished all 18 holes, and then we all decided to zip around all the holes again in the buggy and collect golf balls for fun. 

Near the end, I noticed that everyone else on the golf course had stopped playing golf, and they were looking for their golf balls.

Horrified, I bundled the family and their golf balls back into our buggy, and we quickly made our getaway. I kept looking over my shoulder, worried that there’d be hordes of golfers running after us, waving their golf clubs, and screaming for their balls.

Sometimes, life feels like there’s someone taking all the golf balls, doesn’t it? It feels all stacked against us.

But Jesus doesn’t just even up the score; he makes sure that you’re able to come out of your eighteen rounds of life a winner

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Disappearing Golf Balls

Jesus makes sure that you are able to come out of your eighteen rounds of life a winner.

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