The Fine Print
Feb 15, 2018 1633
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The Fine Print
Years ago, I worked in real estate. Once I sold a house and wrote up the contract of sale, but I had a brain snap and added an extra zero to the sale price on the contract. It would have been a great commission for me if it had gone through. But it was just as well the lawyer picked up my mistake!
The written details on a legal contract are important. Once a contract is signed and executed, nobody can change it.
The Cross was a contract that was sealed with Jesus’ blood. Did you know that there was some fine print there at the cross as well? Above Jesus’ head were the words, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”
Jesus is the King… of salvation. He gives eternal life to those who follow him.
And at the Cross, the contract was signed and executed. Today, everyone who believes in him has eternal life. And nobody can change that.
Everyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life.
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