The God Who Bends Down

Oct 9, 2018 1602

Radio Version:

The God Who Bends Down

The Bible says,

I love the Lord because he hears my voice… Because he bends down to listen.

This idea of God “bending down” was completely unknown in all ancient cultures. First of all, the gods lived up there in the sky or on the highest mountains, and they never came down to associate with humanity in any caring way.

At the core of Christianity is the idea that God has come down to us, not for any other purpose than that he just loves being with us, because he just… loves us!

When he became one of us, Jesus scraped the bottom of the barrel of human experience. He was born in a stable, he was homeless, and he died among criminals.

No matter what situation you may find yourself, God doesn’t wait for you to reach him. He bends down to reach you. Being all-powerful and glorious is fine. But remember: God bends down.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The God Who Bends Down

God doesn’t wait for you to reach him. He bends down to reach you.

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