The God Who Suffers

Sep 7, 2017 1869

Radio Version:

The God Who Suffers

I was going through a really tough time, and a friend of mine visited me.

As we sat there, tears started to well up in his eyes as he listened. It actually helped me to know that there was someone who understood and cared.

One of the important things that the story of Jesus tells me is that I have a God who suffers. It tells me that God is not just some high and mighty being on some heavenly throne. He’s also the God on a cross.

There’s lots of people who can’t get their head around this idea of a God who suffers. They struggle with what the Cross was all about.

But when we get beyond the clichés and religious terms, here it is. God suffers because you suffer, so that one day you’ll suffer no more. He knows you. He knows what’s you’re feeling, and he feels it too.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The God Who SuffersGod knows what you’re feeling and he feels it too.

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