The Good News Spreads Fast in Rwanda

Mar 4, 2016 2035

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Smiles all round at the Gakenke Gospel Fellowship.

GNU’s ministry in Rwanda began less than a year ago with the arrival of a shipment of Jesus Only books. The Gospel has spread very fast indeed through these books. I was privileged to spend a week with Evangelist Emma, whose passion for the Gospel is blessing communities across Rwanda.

As you know, Emma’s weekly Jesus Only radio program can be heard right across Rwanda, and it is a powerful testimony for the Gospel. I pray that God will keep this Jesus Only program on air. Emma has been invited by churches and fellowships across Rwanda to meet with them. She is a true missionary to these Christian churches, who are hungry for the pure Gospel of Jesus.

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Evangelist Emma opens the Word of God to people who are hungry for righteousness.

Gakenke Jesus Only Fellowship

Sadly, I found Emma still recovering from the loss of a child in pregnancy, but even this did not stop her missionary outreach. Together, we made a trip to Gakenke, where we had a wonderful meeting with the Jesus Only fellowship. More than 60 people squeezed into the home of Pastor Nepo, and I heard that more people would have attended if there had been more room. Pastors from the local churches were amongst the people worshipping together. These pastors have been joining with their parishioners, listening to the radio program and studying Jesus Only together.

I have been set free and I rejoice in this wonderful Gospel freedom!

I spoke to a number of the people attending the fellowship. One lady, Sarah, told me:

Before I read Jesus Only, I felt I was living in isolation from my family, and it seemed that the whole world was against me. Neighbours hated me and I hated them. Then I received a copy of Jesus Only and this book helped me discover myself. I realised I had a problem, but my new experience of the Gospel helped take that problem away and I was able to make connections with other people. I have been set free and I rejoice in this wonderful freedom of the Gospel. I am so grateful to the author of this book.

Pastor Nepo described how Emma’s work has helped to spread the word of the Gospel:

This sister has greatly helped me to find Jesus anew. She has encouraged us, inspired us with her radio programs, and encouraged us with her telephone calls and her visits to our Jesus Only fellowship. She has helped us to learn how to share the message of Jesus with other people in our district. We are also grateful to Dr Desmond Ford for this great book. The message is always fresh and we enjoy reading it over and over. Please tell Desmond from us that we have received and understood this message, and we are committed to sharing it with everyone, so we can ‘bring in the sheaves’ for the kingdom of God. We also want to thank our friends, who put this book in a language we understand.

Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me!

He told me that their fellowship meets every Thursday, and every week the space where they meet is overflowing with people who want to attend and learn more about the Gospel. He said,

We are praying that we can establish a meeting place where everyone who wants can come, hear and share this message.

I was also pleased to meet Pastor Ndutiye from another local church. He also sent his gratitude to Good News Unlimited, and to Desmond Ford for Jesus Only. He had a special message for Dr Des, which I think is good for everyone at GNU: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12).

The Birth of More Fellowships

The Gakenke fellowship is already the mother of two more fellowships – in Gisinyi and Rubavu, about 20 km away. The idea of the Jesus Only fellowships came from the title of the book. These people have identified with the book’s message of Jesus as the central person of the good news of the Gospel. Pastor Nepo told me that when they meet in the Jesus Only fellowship, they leave aside their various denominations and simply gather around the person of Jesus. Five people from this fellowship have asked to be baptised by GNU, and Emma has discussed this request with the local pastors, who are very positive about it.

Another welcoming congregation is led by Pastor Harerimana Emmanuel and his wife. He is committed to preaching the pure Gospel of Jesus, in contrast to many preachers, who try to attract people by holding out the promise of wealth.

Rwanda is fertile soil for Jesus, thanks to the Jesus Only program and the amazing commitment of Evangelist Emma. Her dynamic approach, her passion for the Gospel and her willingness to work with all faith traditions have won the trust and admiration of everyone who meets her. Many of these churches desire to work with GNU to spread the Gospel fast through their districts. Their great need for the Gospel message is reflected in their gratitude for the gifts from GNU. They send their thanks to the generous supporters who have made this ministry possible.

Rwanda has become a great blessing to the work of the Gospel, and it is a huge inspiration. I pray that God will sustain his work and those who support it.

– Pr David Kayumba

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