The Gospel Impact of the Good News Children’s Care Centre

Jan 8, 2019 1797

The Gospel Impact of the Good News Children’s Care Centre

The children are fed at the Good News Children’s Care Centre. Before the centre started, some families in the village were so poor that they had to feed their children rats and snakes in order to survive.

Several years ago Pr Joseph started the Good News Children’s Care Centre in a rented room in the “untouchable” village of Nandiwada, India, to provide food and education to the poor children in the village and to teach them about Jesus. The centre has now grown with more students and more teachers, has its own building, and has also become a school. As a result of the kindness that the children’s centre team have shown to the children, many families in Nandwada and the surrounding villages have come to accept Jesus into their lives. Pr Joseph talks about what is happening at the centre:

By the grace of God the Good News Children’s Care has been growing well year by year. The number children has increased and we now have 55 children. So there are new teachers who have been appointed in this last year.

The teachers who are newly appointed are trained in the Holy Bible and have studied a Bachelor of Theology. So they have been teaching the children about the Holy Bible and stories in the Bible and Jesus’ words daily. The teachers have been teaching songs about Jesus and we are forming a very good choir for the Gospel meetings we hold. Two teachers are Gospel workers and singers. So we have been feeding these children daily and providing food and other nutrition that is good for their health. So please pray for the daily needs that they still have.

By the grace of God we could make desks for the children to sit at to read and write. So they are so happy and glad. Even Hindu children are so interested in joining and learning about Jesus and the Holy Bible. So the Good News Children’s Care Centre has been growing. In the villages around the centre many people have also came to know about it, and many people are very eager to know about Jesus. Still, we have some other works yet to be done at the Good News Children’s Care Centre. Please pray for them in your daily prayers. Thanks to you in Christ Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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