The Gospel in Action Leads Radu to Salvation – Tamaressa, India

Jan 7, 2016 1553


Radu (L) has seen the Gospel in action, so now he has accepted Jesus and now he serves as well.

Radu comes from the small village of Tamaressa, near Gudiwada. He is a Hindu, but has been captivated by the message of the Gospel which he hears through the GNU TV programme.

Pastor Joseph wrote to tell us how Radu put his interest into action:

This man noticed all the things we were doing to help the people, and he recognised that this was God’s work. ‘It has touched my heart,’ he told me, ‘because you have been doing God’s work well.’ He offered to help serve the poor people the food we prepare for them, and now he regularly comes to the meetings and assists us. He told me that even though he has only just accepted Jesus, he wants to learn more and more. He also wants to participate in all our gospel meetings, and he plans to come to the training programme, so he can learn how to spread the gospel himself.

Radu’s family are all Hindus and they have a long history of practising their religion. But by the grace of God, Radu will be a strong force in helping to spread the word of the gospel fast.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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