The Gospel Spreads Through Villages in India

Jan 8, 2019 1697

The Gospel Spreads Through Villages in India

Mathra Rao stands with his two daughters, holding his copy of Jesus Only.

Pr Joseph has been travelling village to village with Shiney and Sereesha, Gospel workers and teachers at the Good News Children’s Care Centre, sharing the Good News about Jesus with those who have not heard about him. During their travels, they meet with people and pray for the sick. They also share copies of Jesus Only by Des Ford with people who are interested in reading and knowing more.

One man they met in their travels is Mathra Rao. For most of his life he had never heard about Jesus. But then he and his family started watching the GNU TV Programme each week, which Pr Joseph hosts. When Pr Joseph, Shiney and Sereesha came to his village of Pata Ramapuram, they talked with Mathra Rao about the Gospel. He was interested in learning more and they gave him a copy of Jesus Only.


“There are many people who have been watching the GNU TV Programme and are accepting Jesus and living in faith”


Mathra Rao and his family accepted Jesus as a result of watching the GNU TV Programme. It was also through watching the programme that they came to hear about the Good News Children’s Care Centre in Nandiwada. This is a school that Pr Joseph started to provide food and an education to the poorest of the poor children in society. Mathra Rao came to visit the centre with his two daughters, and they both joined.

Pr Joseph says,

It is God the Holy Spirit that inspired Mathra Rao and led him to watch the GNU TV Programme and then come to the Good News Children’s Care Centre. There are many people who have been watching the GNU TV Programme and are accepting Jesus and living in faith. I am so happy and glad about it. Thanks to Jesus for everything and for spreading the Holy Gospel all around.

– Ella Rodionoff

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