The Joy of Finding

Feb 7, 2018 1786

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The Joy of Finding

When I was a kid, my best friend was literally “man’s best friend” – a beautiful German shepherd called “Prince.” One day we lost him, and I was so upset!

But then, weeks later, I was walking down the road, when I recognised Prince. A girl had him on a leash. I was overjoyed. The joy of finding was greater than the sorrow of loss. Prince was happy too, as he almost knocked me over as he jumped on me with joy.

Jesus talks about the joy of finding too. He tells the story of a lost sheep, and of the great party that the shepherd throws when the sheep is found. He says there is joy in heaven over every sinner who repents.

And if there is joy in finding, imaging the joy in being found! 

So, wherever you’re lost, let God have the joy of finding you, and experience the joy of being found!

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Joy of Finding

Wherever you’re lost, let God have the joy of finding you.

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