The Mysterious Holy Spirit: Part 2
Sep 14, 2013 2419
This week Dr Eliezer Gonzalez will present at 2.25 pm, and Dr Desmond Ford will present at shortly after.
Our program will be as follows:
12.30pm: BYO Lunch
1.15pm: Bible discussion
2.15pm – Live Broadcast begins: Gospel music
2.25pm: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez – Knocked down but not knocked out
“Knocked down but not knocked out” – who said these words? You’d be surprised to know!
Some days, it just doesn’t feel like you’re winning, does it?
In this week’s devotional, Eliezer will talk about the apparent contradictions of the Christian life. He’ll show us why, because of the Gospel we’re all winners, not just in the end, but all the way through.
2.45pm: Dr Desmond Ford – The Mysterious Holy Spirit, Part Two
Learn about the book of the Bible which mentions the Holy Spirit 71 times and provides the key for bringing Christ back in our day.
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