The Only One You Need

Dec 31, 2015 1814

Because you treasure the Lord’s wisdom your foot will not stumble and you will not be afraid when you lie down; your sleep will be sweet (Prov. 2:24-26).

The Lord is a shield who protects those who are committed to him and his ways. Nothing will touch them without his permission, and when he allows pain and grief to afflict them, it is only for their ultimate good and there is a boundary beyond which it cannot go. Scripture says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom. 8:28).

Even though Job loved the Lord he lost his wealth, his health, his family and his friends. And he sat in a pile of sterile ashes to ease the pain of the suppurating boils that covered him from head to toe. Even Job’s wife told him to curse the Lord so he could die. But Job never lost faith in the Lord and clung to tenaciously to him. So the Lord put a fence around Job. He told Satan he could take everything from Job but his life, because he knew Job would cling to him by faith to the very end.

The Lord was all Job had. But he knew that if he had the Lord then at the end of the day he had everything. If you have the Lord’s wisdom, you have everything you need for the coming year. With Jesus as your companion in the journey through 2016, your sleep will be sweet, your foot will be kept from stumbling, and you will have every reason to rejoice and be unafraid.

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