The Only Way

Apr 24, 2013 1838

Part 1:
Part 2:


While a desire to become more Christlike is one of the surest signs of a converted life, most Christians at times suffer from discouragement due to repeated failure in living a successful Christian life. The answer to such problem can be found only in Christ’s All Sufficiency – He is our All in All. This theme is presented in the book of Colossians through a 7 fold description of Christ as well as through the glories of what a believer can have through Christ. Christ’s righteousness is both imputed and imparted to the Christian who is accounted as ever perfect before the Father from the moment they first believe. Such perfect standing before God never changes though their state consists of many ups and downs as the Christian life is a continual battle. The ultimate secret of successful Christian living is to hold fast to Christ and becoming a better Christian will be more easily attained as Christians see themselves already accounted perfect before God.

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