The Perfect Church

Feb 16, 2017 2207

Radio Version:

The Perfect Church

Imagine the perfect church. The perfect church would have the perfect building, with the perfect lawn.

When you walk into the perfect church you’d see all those perfect people. Everyone is always smiling. No-one ever disagrees in the perfect church.

Of course the perfect church would have the perfect pastor – and he’d be a great speaker.

Everyone would always want to come to the programs that are run by the perfect church. Did I tell you that the perfect church would also have the perfect music?

I hope you’re imagining the perfect church. Because if you ever found it, I can tell you one thing: you’d never be allowed inside.

Let’s come back to reality. There’s no perfect church, because there are no perfect people. The church is for sinners… like you and I.

Your local church might not be perfect, but if it’s welcoming sinners and preaching God’s Word faithfully, it’s definitely getting close!

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Perfect Church

There’s no perfect church, because there are no perfect people. The church is for sinners.

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