The Pope and I – by Eliezer Gonzalez

Nov 29, 2015 2620

Pope thumbs up

In recent times I have seen an increase of content on Facebook about the current pope, Francis. Some Christians revel in publicising portrayals of the pope as the very incarnation of evil, intent on fulfilling apocalyptic prophecy.

I don’t wish to comment on the rightness or wrongness of their views. I only want to pose the question, “Is there no greater purpose to our Christian calling than this?”

Meanwhile, a world perishes because untold millions have not heard of the great salvation that is offered by Jesus Christ.

The reason why I don’t engage in these discussions about the pope is because I have in mind the words of Martin Luther,

I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self. – Martin Luther

Here was a man who reasons to truly fear the pope, yet he refused to make it a focus of his life. Why? Because Luther understood the truth of his spiritual condition, and the truth of where his greatest danger lay.

I stand with Martin Luther on this. The greatest enemy, the greatest Antichrist that I face daily is Pope Self. The focus on my Christian walk is on making sure that by the grace of God Pope Self is daily surrendered at the cross of Jesus (1 Cor 15:31).

I can do this on the basis that Christ has already overcome all through his blood, and that I am accounted righteous before Him. As his assurance and pledge of the gift of salvation, Christ has given me his Spirit to be victorious in me – a victory that will revealed in its fullness on the Last Day. So I battle against Pope Self in the knowledge that this battle will be waged within me until the Lord comes.

When I was young and foolish, I thought that I had attained a spiritual condition that allowed me to sit in judgment on other Christians. Now I know better. We have to come to the position where we take responsibility for our own relationship with Jesus Christ. If anyone were to keep me from the Kingdom, it would be me, and not the pope.

So l let the pope wage his own spiritual battle, and I entrust him to the Lord. I have enough to focus on.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 6, 2015

Thanks Danielle! I know its true about me :)


Dec 6, 2015

What you said it's true

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