The Problem With Goats
Feb 5, 2017 2004
Radio Version:
The Problem With Goats
Have you ever got in trouble for something you didn’t do. Let me explain…
Not too long ago, I realised I’d forgotten to check the time my flight was leaving. I madly rushed to the airport, but with no luck – the plane had already left.
You see, I ran into problems because of something I didn’t do – in this case, checking the departure time on my ticket.
Jesus’ story of the sheep and goats is another example of people getting caught out for something they didn’t do…
While the sheep got his tick of approval, the goats didn’t. Here’s why – they didn’t feed the hungry, care for the sick, or look after the most vulnerable people around them.
Although you and I aren’t saved by what we do, God still cares about how we treat people. Is there something you’re not doing that you know God wants you to do? Make today the day you turn that around.

Here’s the problem with goats – they didn’t feed the hungry, care for the sick, or look after the most vulnerable people around them.
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