The Right Fight
Oct 11, 2019 2308
Radio Version:
The Right Fight
When I was at uni, I was terrified of sitting down to do an exam and then suddenly realising that I was in the wrong exam. Exams are bad enough. Imagine sitting down to do the wrong exam! I came close.
The Bible uses the analogy of a fight to describe the Christian life.
What if you reached the end of your life and you suddenly realised that you’d been in the wrong fight all along?
The Bible tells us to,
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called (1 Tim 6:12, NIV).
The real fight is to take hold of the eternal life that God has already provided for us. In other words, it’s simply one of believing that what God has given us is true.
And it’s a good fight, and here’s why, because…
Remember: All who believe will win.

All who believe will win.
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