The Secret to Happiness

Feb 3, 2017 2400

Radio Version:

The Secret to Happiness

If you’re looking for more happiness, then you’ll find it in grace.

The word “grace” is mentioned about 130 times in the New Testament and it comes from the Greek word xaris.

The meaning behind the word is “to be joyful,” and so it’s no surprise that “grace” has always associated with happiness and joy.

Grace means that God is for us even when we are against him. It refers to the active love of God streaming over us like the warm rays of the summer sun. Grace is God’s unimaginable generosity.

Grace is life-transforming. It’s not about what we do, but about trusting God’s goodness. It’s not about what we take, but about how much we share. It’s not about what we get from others, but about what we freely receive from God.

Want more happiness? You’ll find it when you trust and depend on the grace of God.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Secret to Happiness

The secret to happiness: If you’re looking for more happiness, then you’ll find it in grace.

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