The Storms We Make Ourselves

Jul 23, 2018 4235

The Storms We Make Ourselves

You may have heard the story of Jesus walking on the sea. But it’s important to understand that there was an important back story…

Jesus had told his disciples to get in the boat and sail to Bethsaida, to wait for him there (Mark 6:45). But when it became dark and Jesus had not joined them, the disciples decided to set off back home across the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum without him (John 6:16-17).

It’s while they were crossing the lake, that’s when the huge storm arose (Matt. 14:23). Early in the morning, and in the middle of the storm, Jesus went out to meet the disciples, walking on the lake. When the disciples, who were in the boat, saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. They assumed it was a spirit coming toward them, and they cried out in fear. “But immediately Jesus said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matt 14:27). That’s when they recognized that it was the Lord.

So many of the storms in our lives are of our own making.

It was their own fault that the disciples were in this situation, but the Lord had come to save them. The disciples had clearly disobeyed Jesus when they returned to Capernaum without him. They didn’t know why Jesus hadn’t come to them as they expected he would, so they set off without him. That’s when the storm struck. They would never have been in that position if they had simply done what Jesus had asked them to do.

Like the disciples, so many of the storms in our lives are of our own making. As I reflect on my own life, I can see the truth of that story has played out over and over again. It’s easy to blame other, and it’s even easier to blame “bad luck,” or to just say that it’s “the way things are.” But if I’m really honest, I have to admit that many of the storms in my life have been ones I’ve created myself.

No matter how far you’ve drifted, you can always invite Jesus into your boat.

I’ve created those storms in my life by not being the sort of person that Jesus wants me to be. Sometimes, it’s like the disciples when they decided not to wait for Jesus, and they decided to go on without him. I’ve always gotten myself in trouble when I’ve done that! It’s always better to obey Jesus. It’s always better to wait for him, and not to go on without him. Many of the storms I’ve created in my own life have been because of my own pride and selfishness, and by not relating with others in a loving and kind way.

But here’s the good news! When we have him as our friend, Jesus never leaves us to face the consequences of our decisions alone. He comes to us in the midst of our storms, and once he gets back into the ‘boat’ of our lives, he knows how to calm our storms, and bring us safely to the other shore.

I’m sure that there are some storms going on in your life right now. I’m also fairly certain that many of them are of your own making. Whatever may be your situation today, take some time right now to invite Jesus into your boat, because more likely than not, there is stormy weather ahead!

– Eliezer Gonzalez (Inspired by Ritchie Way)

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Chala Adal Duguma

Jul 28, 2018

You are doing God's job, God bless you. I like your expression very much. please send to me every biblical expression. thank you very much!

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