The Way of Wisdom
Jan 27, 2016 1392
All wisdom’s ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace (Proverbs 3:17-18).
In our daily lives, it is wise to abstain from drinking alcohol if driving or planning to drive, and it is wise to buckle your seatbelt when travelling in a vehicle. This is common sense, but you may know people who did neither and are no longer with us. People who believed they are invincible — who thought they could drive safely while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; who believed they could flaunt the laws of physics and still survive. These people are anything but wise. Such ways are not the ways of security and peace. The consequences can rob them and their loved ones of peace.
In the Old Testament, we read the story of King David’s son, Absalom. He was was far from wise; in fact he was an idiot. He believed the people who flattered him because of his good looks, and he believed he would make a better ruler than his father, so he engaged the king in battle even though his father—an excellent strategist and charismatic leader–had never, ever lost a battle.
The real path of wisdom is the gospel road. Even when there are potholes and sharp bends, we can be certain that God is guiding our way and that no real harm can come to us. Our ultimate destination is assured.
Do you desire peace? If you do, follow the only way of wisdom.
Ritchie Way
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