They Are Depending On You
Feb 20, 2018 1357

How can we ignore the multitudes, like Solomon (above) and Saeed, who depend on us to hear the message of hope in Jesus?
I’d like you to meet Solomon. He went from being a promising university student in Uganda to a life that was completely out of control. He fell in with a bad crowd and turned to alcohol and drugs. Solomon felt that there was no way out for him, and that he was a failure in everything he attempted. So he gave up on God.
Solomon even tried to sell his Bible in order to pay for alcohol. He planned to end his life after the money had run out. But in the photo on the right you see him beaming and holding his Bible high. Solomon says, “I tried to sell my Bible but God had other ideas!”
What was it that turned Solomon’s life around? Pastor Bonifresh tells us that as a result of GNU’s ministry, Solomon decided to give his life to Christ, and he asked to be baptised.
This isn’t the end of the journey. Solomon says: “I want to begin a new life. Please pray for me, because it hasn’t been easy.”
There are millions of people all over Africa, like Solomon, who need to discover the power of Jesus in their lives. I receive requests for prayer and help from Africa every single day.
GNU has recently stopped broadcasting on Radio East Africa (shortwave) and right now we are looking for a new FM station in Kenya or Uganda, so that we can reach more people, especially in the large urban centres.
GNU needs $900 every month in order to keep our ministry in Africa active and sharing the Good News of Jesus. This includes the cost of broadcasting on a new radio station.
More than that, GNU needs $40,000 in order for its ministry to continue for the next two months until you receive our next newsletter. That’s why our target for this appeal is $40,000, with a special focus on Africa.
Just on 31 January I received this message from Africa. In it, Saeed shared what God has done for him through GNU, as a result of your faithfulness:
I greet you in in the most wonderful name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For me, being a born Muslim, converting to Christianity
and becoming a born-again Christian has not been an easy path, but it is a path worth taking. Never did I think that I would feel this much joy. I have been mocked, yes, and I have been persecuted, but through it all I still remain in Christ as I want to live for Him. Today I can say I am not where I need to be, but I can thank God I am not where I used to be. All praise to Him. – Saeed.
Can you ignore the multitudes like Solomon and Saeed, who depend on you, through us, to hear the message of hope in Jesus?
To keep sharing the Gospel on the air and on the ground in East Africa, please click through to the donate page now.
Grace and peace in Jesus
Eliezer Gonzalez, Senior Pastor, Good News Unlimited
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