
Jun 5, 2018 2330

Radio Version:


Where I live we get quite a bit of flooding. There’s few things in nature more powerful than a mighty river! Especially after a drought, it brings life wherever it flows.

Jesus said,

Whoever believes in me… out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. 

The Bible ends with the image of this River of Life, that flows from the throne of God.

But Jesus is saying that if you believe in him, then he gives you abundant and eternal life, not a trickle of it, not a stream, not one river, but countless rivers of it.

If the river of life is flowing within us, then we have eternal life as our present possession. It is not something that we look for outside of us, nor is it just some future hope. It is a present reality, right here, and right now.

The key question is: How deep has the message of Jesus gotten into you?

Eliezer Gonzalez


If you believe in Jesus, he gives you abundant and eternal life.

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