Miracle Healing Leads Man to Jesus: “I Thought That I Would Die Within Days But Jesus Healed Me”

Feb 3, 2022 1007

“I Thought That I Would Die Within Days But Jesus Healed Me”

Chernjeevi accepted Jesus into his life after he was miraculously healed. He lives in the village of Srinivasapuram, India, and is married with four children.

Chernjeevi was born and brought up in a Hindu family and his great grand fathers and fathers were Hindus. They did not know about Jesus. So he also did not know about Jesus.

His family’s main occupation is going house to house doing ironing and washing clothes. So he has been doing clothes ironing work and his wife has been collecting clothes. In his house he had Hindus idol photos. He did all the Hindu festivals every year.

One day he became sick and fell on the bed. He went to several doctors and he did not get well. So all his family members lost hope for his life. The family members thought that he would die.

Jesus did a great healing in his life and all his family members wondered.

Nearby his house I conducted a Gospel meeting and preached the Holy Gospel and prayed for all. After the Gospel meeting his wife came to me and asked me to come to his house. So I went to his house and prayed over him and for his health.

Jesus did a great healing in Chernjeevi’s life. After one week he got up from the bed and was able to walk and speak loudly. He got full strength. Jesus did a great miracle in his life and all his family members wondered.

After that Chernjeevi accepted Jesus and came to prayer meetings and listened to the Holy Gospel. I gave a Holy Bible to him to read daily. He is so happy in Christ Jesus.

Chernjeevi says,

It is Jesus who has saved me and gave me new life. I thought that I would die within days. But by the power of the prayer Jesus healed me and made me to get up from the bed. I believe Jesus all my life and I am so happy in Christ Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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