Three Police Officers Saved, But One Goes Away Angry

Oct 27, 2015 1722


Moses Lukwago (L) and the three prison officers in the canteen, holding the book “Jesus Only.”

Last Saturday morning we drove early in the morning with Moses to Kigo prison in Kampala. Pr Balwana was waiting at the gate to take us through.

We parked our car and we offloaded our boxes of Jesus Only books and entered the check-in area. After we were screened, the books were counted and recorded. However, because it was the first time that Moses had come with us, the prison officers denied him entry and asked him to go out and wait for us in a canteen area about 300 metres away.

So I went inside and preached the gospel to the prisoners, and then I went to out to find Moses. I was keen to go because we needed to travel to Western Uganda to continue our evangelistic meetings.

I found Moses sitting down with 3 happy men. They were police officers who work at the prison. Moses called me over excitedly and he introduced the men to me. The three men did not wait for Moses to tell me what had just happened. They shouted joyfully,

we have discovered that we too we were saved by grace long time ago, and we have been freely forgiven! Please come and help us share this with our colleagues as well!

I joined the celebration. Moses told me that when he was denied entry into the prison, he approached a group of four prison officers who were having a cup of tea in the canteen.

As he unfolded the gospel to these four people, one of them was a religious man who tried to debate Moses. Moses pulled out chapter 21 of Desmond Ford’s book Jesus Only, called “Faces Around the Cross.”

The facts were so compelling that three of the men identified themselves with the terrorist who was saved in an instant. They were over-joyed that they had discovered salvation.

The religious man protested and went away in anger, as the three men rejoiced for the free grace by which they were saved. These three men asked us to come and have gospel meetings in their police barracks.

Sometimes it is a blessing to be denied entry. The doors are never shut for those who serve Jesus Christ.

– David Kayumba

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