Unlimited: A Death Like His
Oct 7, 2022 1057

For if we have been united with him in a death like his (Romans 6:5a)
We have not been united with him because we died Christ’s death, but instead, a “death like his.” No one but Divinity himself could have taken upon himself the sins of the world:
…now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation (Col. 1:22; See also Eph. 2:12–17.)
Paul has been very clear that Christ died for all men. No one but the Son of God could have been a sacrifice sufficient for our salvation. We are not called to die his death. You are called to accept the fact that he died on your behalf so that you may never die, but instead have eternal life. That is the whole point of the Gospel.
We have not been united with him because we died Christ’s death, but instead, a “death like his.”
The atonement, which occurred at Christ’s death, is not a fiction. Yet the Bible is clear that someone cannot die for the sins of another (Deut. 24:16; Ezek. 18:20.) Beyond the words, then and beyond our ability to comprehend, there is also a real sense in which on the Cross, Christ took your life into his own, so that he might give you his life.
Without question, Christ united us with him at the Cross. There, he forged a union, that if we trust in him, can never broken.
Spiritual Application
Do you feel far from God, or close to him? Jesus died so that you need never be apart. Take hold of the reality he gifted you at the Cross.
Okurut Martin
Oct 8, 2022
Thanks so much Papa for the message. Infact I like so much. It took Christ to die on the Roman wooden cross for sake saving mankind. I really love the council of God for coming up with such a great plan. Am alive today because of Christ's death. Glory Glory to Jesus.