Unlimited: Advance the Kingdom

Feb 3, 2022 1228

Unlimited: Advance the Kingdom

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10, NIV).

Charles Colson, of Prison Fellowship, says that “to speak of [William] Wilberforce is to speak of biblical worldview in action.” He almost singlehandedly put a stop to the vile British slave trade.

What many people don’t know are the other contributions that Wilberforce made to society. He founded the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the British and Foreign Bible Society, was instrumental in prison reform, and either founded or was a leader in sixty charities.

The citizens of the Kingdom will always advance the Kingdom.

I wonder what our society would be like if we still legally allowed slavery, and cruelty to animals, if we were without prison reform, and without freedom of speech and the notion of universal human rights. Yes, those last two come straight out of Christianity as well. Without Christianity, we would not have the society and the freedoms we have in the West at all.  Charles Colson says,

I believe that as we come to understand the depth of our own Christian worldview, it forces us not into a life merely of contemplation, but to one of action. We cannot know God more without being moved to love others more—and to care passionately about justice, mercy, and truth.

Jesus Christ was a man of action, and so must we be.

The citizens of the Kingdom will always advance the Kingdom. – Eliezer Gonzalez

Reflection: What is one thing you can do today to advance the Kingdom of God on earth, through kindness, love, and compassion? Make sure to do it.

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