Unlimited: Andronicus and Junia, Outstanding Among the Apostles
Dec 29, 2023 884

Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me.They are outstanding among the apostles (Romans 16:7a.)
This verse sheds light on the leadership roles of women in Paul’s churches, for here we have an example of a woman who was a prominent apostle in the Pauline churches. Almost all scholars and translations translate the Greek name Junia as female, and understand that being “among the apostles,” means that they were both apostles.
Here, we find a female apostle. Society back then, even much more than today, was heavily male-oriented. This highlights how remarkable it was that the Pauline churches broke with society’s mould, so that women held every position of leadership. In this way, they followed the teachings and the example of Jesus in the way that he regarded and elevated women (Gal. 3:28.)
True apostles lead the leaders, though they may not hold formal leadership positions.
This verse also presents us with another important insight. Although the church in Jerusalem did not recognise anyone except the twelve originals as apostles, the Gentile churches that Paul founded extended the apostolic role to others (Eph. 4:11–13.)
Apostles have the work of establishing the church, planting new churches and ministries, going into unentered areas and people groups and cultures, and raising up leadership within the church. Apostles typically have multiple sets of spiritual gifts that allow them to work across various kinds of ministries in risky or challenging circumstances. True apostles lead the leaders, though they may not hold formal leadership positions.
Spiritual Application
These days, it is very rare for someone with the gift of apostleship to actually claim to have it. Do you know any people with this gift? What can you do to affirm them?
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