Unlimited: Are You in a Season of Crisis?

Sep 27, 2019 2083

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, NIV).

Life is never easy, and although we may think everyone around us is intensely successful and happy, we don’t see the whole picture. No person in the world is perfectly content. No one is ever free of problems.

When a child misbehaves, we often say, “Oh, it’s just a stage he’s passing through.” Similarly, many of our own problems arise because we’re passing through some stage of personal development.

Our lives can be divided into various stages. These periods have been called “the testing teens”, “the teachable twenties”, “the terrific thirties”, “the fiery forties”, “the forceful fifties”, “the serious sixties”, “the sacred seventies”, and “the aching eighties”.

When you’re young you are sure that life gets better as you get older. But when you’re older you are sure that youth was sheer heaven. I’ve often said we should aim to die young as late as possible!

No matter the stage of life you are in today, you are loved and seen by God. If you are in crisis, know you are not alone. Turn your eyes to Jesus today.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: It is so easy to assume those around us have fewer problems. Do you find yourself comparing your hardships to your neighbours or friends? Where can you focus your thoughts instead? How can you shape the next season of your life?

Help Spread the Good News


Sep 28, 2019

Sorry for the bad spelling, but one can understand what I meant. Please stand with Christ Jesus. God’s people will never be put to shame. Satan can never win, only if we let him. We can walk on water with Christ. We can go through the narrow way with Christ. Even the fish will never keep us in its berry. Those you compare your self to, you don’t even know them. Just get to know Christ Jesus. He is beyond our imagination, but we will have a glimpse of him and that we can never forget. Amen ?


Sep 28, 2019

I took matters in my own way. I ended up in a fish’s belly of problems one crises to another. Now i am out of the ? s belly . On a seashores. In humility and in prayers. Surrender to god. I thought l had the answers on my own. We can’t., we can never. It God s way in prayer ? and humility of in a fish’s belly. Turn your eyes ? upon Jesus Christ. Look up in his wonderful face. He will never leave you. And once you see his face, don’t pretend to be a prophet. Saran is around the corner waiting her on a sinful earth ? to bring you back in a fish ?. Please go to nineve and preach. Tell them about a just God He lives! Let him live in your heart ❤️ Amen

Nassimbwa Erios Florence

Sep 27, 2019

Indeed thanks for the word because I have been busy comparing myself to others. God bless you abundantly.

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