Unlimited: Called, Justified, and Glorified
Oct 2, 2019 2328
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified (Romans 8:30, NIV).
This is a precious truth for you when you believe in Jesus. You may be poor, or you may be suffering, but you can be encouraged when you remember how Jesus has called you, and especially when you meditate on the blessings that come from your relationship with him.
You are God’s child today, here and now. This means that God is blessing you, and he is giving you the strength to cope with your problems and trials. And soon, in his Kingdom, all your trials will end, and you will have all the bliss of heaven.
When God has called you, nothing can divide you from his love. When you are distressed, God is with you, when you suffer persecution, he will support you, when life seems like hell, your link to him is as strong as ever. You can be confident that God is leading you throughout your life and you will be with him in glory.
God loved you so much that he sacrificed to offer you salvation, and he is waiting to welcome you home to his kingdom.
– Charles Spurgeon (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: God is committed to you and has called you his son or daughter. Will you accept his offer? Have you answered his call? Heaven is your reward because of Jesus.
I love the message because I believe it is my wright full message
I already accepted his offer with great joy and thankfulness, yes I have answered to his call and committed the rest of my life to serve him. I cannot wait to see him in heaven, I'm so eager to meet him, I hope that my journey on earth will end as soon as possible.
Oct 3, 2019