Unlimited: You Can Trust Who’s On The Throne

Nov 21, 2016 1285

I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders (Revelation 5:6, NIV).

We’ve all wondered at some point why life hardly ever works out the way we expect. Why the best-laid plans too often fail?

God showed the prophet Ezekiel a vision of enormous wheels within wheels turning in every direction, and above them, the throne of God (Ezekiel 1). The great mystery of this vision was, “Who is it that sits upon the throne?”

In the Book of Revelation the prophet John saw a similar scene. But in this vision, the identity of the one who sits on the throne is revealed. For right in the middle of the throne is the Lamb who was slain.

The One who is on the throne is not some distant deity; He is the Man of Sorrows, the Lamb of Calvary – the One who understands. The constant movement of the wheels within wheels tells you that the Lamb of Calvary is quick to be with you when you need Him. Nothing can happen without His permission.

And wherever those wheels go in your life, you can trust the One who’s on the throne, for on the throne is Love Himself. He is the Lamb who was slain for you.

What do you do when you can’t understand? You keep on trusting. What do you do when you’ve seen the Lamb? You keep on following. – Eliezer Gonzalez

Reflection: When life is pulling you downward, and in every direction except up, it is sometimes difficult to remember who is on the throne. What we need to do is to spend more time with Jesus. If, through the chaos of your life, you aren’t seeing Jesus clearly on the throne of your life, how are you going to intentionally make more time to spend with Christ in order to learn to trust Him more?

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