Unlimited: Choose The Right Thoughts
Jan 22, 2017 1221
“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:7–8).”
Seeing life as a brief probationary period to prepare for the hereafter, places all things in right proportion. My eternal destiny and all I can influence should interest me more than all the temporary tinsel of human experience. Christ has suffered that we might have eternal happiness. Shall we be so demented as to neglect something so valuable?
When we cherish such reflections, they enable us to turn the kaleidoscope of thought aright. Against the backdrop of Calvary and eternity, everything in this life assumes a new shape. When the Cross is engraved in our hearts, beneath its shadow the pride, the vanity and folly of many of life’s pursuits and values becomes apparent. Sensing that “out of the heart are the issues of life” and remembering His crown of thorns, our very imaginations will be dedicated to God.
When we do this, to crucify vain thoughts of pride, impurity, selfish ambition, irritability and complaint, takes priority among our concerns. In thinking uselessly and aimlessly time is lost, no less than in speaking that way. The account we shall render for each shall not be very different. It is certain that in choosing my thoughts, I choose my habits and my destiny. – Des Ford
Eli’s Reflection: What is it that concerns my thoughts most of all? Is it “my eternal destiny and all I can influence”? Or is it “the temporary tinsel of human experience”? What habits do I have in my life that determine my thinking patterns? Is there one habit that I need to remove or modify or adopt? What will be my first step?
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