Unlimited: Christ Has Won the War on Terror
Feb 1, 2022 1047

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33, NIV).
Many people everywhere are fearful as they look at the growth of extremism and terror around the world. We will never understand the great problems of this world unless we understand the spiritual nature of the war in which we are involved (Ephesians 6:12). The only one who can solve them is Jesus Christ.
Christ has already defeated the enemy, both in the world and within ourselves. The decisive battle for this world has been fought and won by Jesus at Calvary. The Cross was the battle that has ushered in the Kingdom of God. There, Christ has faced the greatest terror and overcome! That is what we announce as messengers of the Kingdom. The Gospel is the Good News that there is no terror – now or forever – for those who are in Christ.
Through Christ’s victory at the Cross, God has already won the war on terror.
We are not caught by surprise like those who don’t believe, and we do not despair. Christ told us that we would have trouble, but that even in the midst of it we would have peace, because he has overcome.
So, we take heart! Through Christ’s victory at the Cross, God has already won the war on terror. There’s no place for fear in your life any more, if you trust in Christ. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: It seems that every week brings its bad news of a new and horrific terror attack. The people around you need some good news! How can you inject your faith into a discussion about terrorist attacks? Pray about it, and do it when the Lord gives you the next opportunity.
Thank you for sharing the Word, Yes Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of the Living God has Won the war on Terror. I entrust my care upon his Powerful Name : JESUS. AMEN.
Okurut Martin
Feb 1, 2022
Hallelujah Jah lives. Emmanuel!. God z my super hero. Jah rules.