Unlimited: Christ’s Miracles and Parables Teach Justification In Him Alone

Jul 2, 2020 2032

Unlimited: Christ’s Miracles and Parables Teach Justification In Him Alone

To the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness (Romans 4:15).

Justification concerns the provision of that righteousness which is alien to us and found in Christ alone. It is systematically presented as a doctrine in Romans, but it is found throughout the whole of Scripture. Even the miracles and parables of Christ set it forth.

For example, the leprous, the blind, the deaf, the dumb and the palsied, came just as they were, but the word of Christ declared them whole. They came just as they were, but they did not remain just as they were. Contact with Christ made the difference. His power alone worked the transformation as they submitted to it.

In the parables we have the lost pictured as helpless sheep, forfeited coins and degraded sons. Only loving grace made the rescue possible. The shepherd found the sheep, the woman found the coin, and the memory of the Father’s love drew the prodigal. The prodigal confesses, as must every sinner, “I am not worthy,” but the Father receives him nonetheless.

Justification is a declaring righteous, not a making righteous. But God does not pronounce the leper clean and leave him a leper. He does not pardon the rebel and then leave him to carry on his rebellion. The ‘fruit of the Spirit’ is the evidence that we have been ‘born’ of the Spirit.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection:Think about your favourite parable or miracle of Jesus. How does it teach the truth of justification by Christ alone and through grace alone? Write it down so you don’t forget it, and share it with your church group.

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Linda Gisel

Jul 3, 2020

The Prodigal Son is my favorite gospel story (also my favorite Rembrandt painting). There is nothing I can do that will lose the love God has for me. Because of His love and mercy I can bring others to Him also. Jesus I trust in You.

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