Unlimited: Confess Your Sins

May 30, 2024 1285

Unlimited: Confess Your Sin

Father, I have sinned (Luke 15:18, KJV).

Those whom Christ has washed in his precious blood no longer stand where they can be condemned, but are once for all “accepted in the Beloved”. They are God’s precious children. But even children offend, so it is good for them to be in the habit of going every day to their heavenly Father to confess their sin, and acknowledge the sinfulness in their character.

If you do not do develop this daily habit: what will be the consequences? You will feel at a distance from him; you will begin to doubt his love for you; you will grow like the prodigal son, who, although still his father’s child, was so far away from his father.

It is important to confess your sins.

But if you acknowledge your mistakes, and are sorry for offending so gracious and loving a Parent; if you go to him and tell him all, and accept his forgiveness, then you will feel restored to a close, loving relationship with God. You will go through your Christian life knowing you are saved, and also enjoying present peace in God through Jesus Christ your Lord.

We have been cleansed once for all, but our feet still need to be washed from the defilement of our daily walk as children of God.  – Charles Spurgeon (adapted)

Reflection: We read here about the need for Christians to confess their sins to God, even though they are accepted in the Beloved. Do you regularly confess your sins to God? If not, why not?

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 5, 2021

No sin is accepted by Christ. That is the wrong question to ask. However, every sinner who comes to Christ in faith is accepted, and is accounted as perfect and righteous in his sight.

helen steiby-tuilau

Nov 30, 2021


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