Unlimited: How the Cross of Jesus Should Guide Your Life
Feb 13, 2017 1418
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself (John 12:32, NASB)
Jesus answers the question “How shall we live?” Only the principle of the Cross of Jesus can rightly guide our hearts, minds and wills. When we, like Jesus, consent to crucify our selfishness and sacrifice ourselves for others, we begin to truly live. There is no other way.
Your response to Jesus’ death for you will determine your destiny. If you accept his sacrifice on your behalf, you will be given immortality when Jesus returns. If you reject his sacrifice on your behalf, you will be denied eternal life on that day.
The Judgement that takes place when Jesus returns will not decide your destiny; you decide your own destiny when faced with the Cross. The Judgement that takes place when Jesus comes will bestow on you the destiny that you chose when you decided to accept or reject Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
The Bible says, “Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed”(John 3:18). – Des Ford
Eli’s Reflection: Sit down in a comfortable place or go for a walk and think about the meaning of the Cross. Reflect on how you are living your life right now. Ask yourself, “Am I living in selfishness?” And “Am I living a life of self-sacrifice for others?”
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