Unlimited: The Cross Makes the Bitter Sweet

Jan 3, 2017 1417

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma – (Ephesians 5:2, NKJV).

After the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, the Children of Israel travelled through the desert for three days without finding any water. Then suddenly, in the distance, they saw what looked like an oasis!

Imagine their disappointment, when they bent down to drink, to find that the water was bitter and undrinkable! They called the place “Marah,” which means“bitter” (Exodus 15:23).

God showed Moses a piece of wood, and when Moses threw it into the water, the water became sweet and refreshing (v.25).

Because we live in this world, there’s always some bitter water just around the corner. But piece of wood represented Christ. He is the One who threw Himself into the bitterness of this world, so that everything that He touches turns sweet. He is the One who was offered the bitter gall upon the Cross. He is the one who drank the bitter cup of the wrath of God on behalf of the entire world, so that all who accept Him may drink the sweetest wine of His love.

That piece of wood represents the Cross of Calvary. It is the Cross of Christ by which the transforming grace of heaven has touched this earth, bringing a flood of sweet living water for all who believe. – Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Do you really believe that Jesus can turn bitterness into sweetness? Maybe there’s some bitterness you’ve been carrying with you for a long time. If you are drinking bitter water right now, are you willing to allow Jesus to touch that part of your life? Ask Jesus to allow the love of Calvary to flow into that part of your life, and to make what is bitter, sweet. Find a quiet place and do just that. Then wait and trust that He will do it.

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