Unlimited: Death Came to All People
Sep 13, 2022 1153

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned (Romans 5:12).
Here, Paul begins an important discussion describing how salvation works.
Sin and death entered the world by one man: Adam. We are here to understand “one man” and one woman: Eve. In the story of the fall in Genesis it is clear that Adam and Eve were together under the forbidden tree and that they sinned together (Gen 3:6). In Paul’s argument the phrase “one man” is used to for the sake of comparing the “one man” through whom sin came into the world with the “one man” (Jesus Christ) through whom sin was dealt with and provision made for salvation.
Death came to all people, because all sinned.
There was no sin and death before Adam and Eve. When our first parents, the custodians of this newly created planet, rebelled against God, they effectively handed over control of planet earth to the devil. As a result, the rules of Satan’s kingdom came into effect in this world: the savage law of sin and death.
Adam and Eve’s sin was the original sin. It brought moral weakness and corruption to the human race. But let’s not put all the blame on Adam and Eve for our circumstances today, because note that Paul says “death came to all people, because all sinned.”
We have followed in the footsteps of our first parents. There is enough guilt to go around.
Spiritual Application
It’s very natural for us sinful human beings to try to justify ourselves and avoid personal responsibility for our own actions and words. We do it all the time. Think of a difficult situation you are in right now and ask God to reveal to you the areas in which you have accountability. Face them and deal with them.
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