Unlimited: Doing the Same Things

May 9, 2022 1573

Unlimited: Doing the Same Things

So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? (Romans 2:3)

Don’t think that you will escape the judgment of God when you pass judgment on those whom you consider to be worse sinners than yourself. Yet religious people today, like the Jews back then, think that they will escape the judgment of God, because they deny that they do the same things as the “sinners.” But God, whose judgment is based on truth, doesn’t judge the way that we do. Our judgment is superficial, but God’s goes deep.

Whenever we judge another as worthy of condemnation, we are judged ourselves, for we do the same things.

Remember the words of Jesus to the Jews in the Sermon on the Mount? They are for you also. He taught that anyone who calls his brother or sister a “fool” is guilty of murder, and that anyone who has ever looked at a woman with lust is guilty of adultery (Matthew 5:21,27).

Whenever we judge another as worthy of condemnation, we are judged ourselves, for we do the same things. These things may all have different names, but they are all collectively grouped under one name: sin.

While it is true that some sins appear to have more harmful consequences on this earth, ultimately sin is sin. Any and all sin will separate you from God and from eternal life. All sin brings death. Remember that the first sin was simply eating a fruit that had been forbidden; it wasn’t murder.

Spiritual Application

We tend to see ourselves, as Christians, as different from the world, and so it should be. However, in what ways do we “do the same things” as those whom we often condemn?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

May 9, 2022

Thanks. May Jah bless you so much

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