Unlimited: Don’t Waver

Aug 1, 2022 1840

Unlimited: Don’t Waver

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God  (Romans 4:20).

It doesn’t seem accurate to say that Abraham “did not waver” in his faith. It’s easy to read the Bible, and Abraham’s story, through pious and “rose-coloured glasses,” and to think that his life demonstrated a great and consistent faith in God. But actually, it doesn’t really read like a story of faith.

Abraham’s life is littered with instances that show us how he struggled with wavering faith, even to the point of sinning grievously. He needed a lot of encouragement from God along the way. If you know the facts about Abraham’s life, it would be natural to conclude that the key weakness that Abraham demonstrated in his life was precisely a lack of faith and trust in God. This should sound alarm bells to us. It should suggest that faith doesn’t necessarily look how we think it does.

The key quality of Abraham’s faith was that somehow, despite his many falls, he never wavered in his heart “in unbelief.”

The quality of Abraham’s faith wasn’t that it was a perfect faith; it was in fact a very imperfect faith. The key quality of Abraham’s faith was that somehow, despite his many falls, he never wavered in his heart “in unbelief.” He never gave up or abandoned God’s promise.

“Patient endurance” is a key quality of the saints (Rev 14:12). Remember the words of Jesus:

he who endures to the end shall be saved (Matt 24:13).

Spiritual Application

What are the things in your life that cause your faith to waiver? What are the things in your life that cause your faith to become stronger? What can you do to promote more of the latter?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Kelly Smith

Aug 1, 2022

I like the way the KJV has Luke 21:19 " In your patience possess ye your souls". Another great Spiritual Application. Thank you, Eli.

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