Unlimited: Eager to Preach the Gospel

Apr 8, 2022 2997

Unlimited: Eager to Preach the Gospel

That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome (Romans 1:15).

Jesus said,

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me (Matthew 25:40).

That’s why, since Paul considered himself a debtor to God, he also considered himself to be a debtor to every person. Paul discharges his debt by sharing the Gospel with them.

Indeed, Paul is “eager” to preach the Gospel. The core meaning of the Greek translated as “eager” is to be “ready and willing.”

We must be ready to share the Gospel. We must know what it is and what it isn’t. The world, including the Christian world, is too often confused about what the Gospel is. We must go back to the Word of God. We must go back to the Cross. We must go back to Jesus.

Paul was ready and willing to preach the Gospel, and we must be ready and willing to preach the Gospel too.

We must also be willing to share the Gospel. This implies more than just a superficial and intellectual acquaintance with it. It implies a personal experience with the transforming power of Jesus, for this is always the Gospel’s result. It is only natural to forgive when you have been forgiven. It is only natural to show grace to others when you have experienced just how much grace God has shown you. Likewise, it is the most natural think in the world to be willing, indeed eager, to share the Gospel once you have appreciated it’s power.

Spiritual Application

Why is it that so few believers seem to have a story to tell, or if they do, they are unwilling to tell it? Does that not tell you something of their spiritual experience? Are you one of those, or are you ready and willing to share the Gospel?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Stanley Wonlah

Apr 16, 2022

I love the word of God but I am not able to preach the gospel,I need help to interrupt the word of God.

Okurut Martin

Apr 12, 2022

The concept and the approach matters a lot when it comes to sharing the word of God with others who are in the world but they are God's children. we don't persuade by the facts but the Truth about eternity. Most of the people out side there are told facts about salivation and the truth are left out about the kingdom of God. I love preaching the gospel somuch and many so far are true and serious Christians.


Apr 10, 2022

I am always willing and ready to share the gospel cause God the son of Christ has not only blessed me but been good to me I was and addicted heroin drug addict I call on God and he heard my cry and the father son Jesus Christ wept the tears from my eyes and renew my body mind and soul I wanted to stop using drugs but I new I couldn't do it alone so that's when I call on Jesus and he touch my body and with the power in his hands I cry and thank God for all his father and his son Jesus Christ has done for me I'm here on earth cause the will of God and his son Jesus Christ it was the power of God and son Jesus Christ who strengthens me through my struggles that was going on in my life today I continue to praise God and his son Jesus Christ for free me from my struggles I not only thank God but I praise his beloving son Jesus Christ amen.

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