Unlimited: Faith Is Not The Greatest Virtue

Sep 21, 2021 2808

Unlimited: Faith Is Not The Greatest Virtue

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13, NLT).

Although faith is the key to all the treasures of this life and the next, although it is the first of all the virtues, it is certainly not the greatest. It is great in that it leads to the greater. For faith is both a self-emptying and receiving of the Divine Spirit, and when he comes faith becomes perfect in love. Thus, though faith is the first, love is always the best.

How glorious are the believer’s privileges! Confessing his or her own emptiness, poverty, inability and folly, the pleading outstretched hand takes hold of the Almighty whose name is Love. And now the world is transformed and everybody in it.

What is the greatest virtue? The greatest virtue is love.

The world becomes our Father’s school, and all the other students are our brothers and sisters. Life’s hardships and joys, as well as the Scriptures of truth, are our lesson books. As long as we are in this age of sin, there will be sorrow and error and tensions. On the other hand, through faith in God’s leading, there is glorious light, and power, and the best of all fruits: enduring, invincible love. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: For which of the “believer’s privileges” are you most grateful? Which of them have most transformed your life? Think of how you can share just one of these with one person you know. Then go and do it.

Help Spread the Good News

Nicholas Muriya

Jun 15, 2022

Am very enlightened with the gospel. Keep on blessing us.


Sep 22, 2021

The most great and divide spirit is and only the Love though God that has brought a greater rejoice in my life amen thank you God for removing the darkness and bringing the Joy of love to my life yes God strength love and power in Jesus holy name amen, amen

John malik odeh

Sep 21, 2021

Wow!!! Getting rooted everyday with your sermon. More grace

Nanai Malaeliua Sua

Sep 21, 2021

Thanks for the sermon. Wonderful it is a great encouragement for me.

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