Unlimited: Forgiveness Makes You Happy

Aug 9, 2021 1608

Unlimited: Forgiveness Makes You Happy

Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them (Romans 4:8).

The word “blessed” in this verse literally means “happy.” Many studies have shown that forgiving others is great for your health. The benefits include lowering the risk of heart attack, improving cholesterol levels, improving sleep, reducing blood pressure and pain, as well as improving mental health. In these ways, by being forgiven, and forgiving others, we can all be happier.

We all like to have boundaries. We like to set limits to things. Peter was a guy who wanted to put a limit on how many times he should forgive, and so he asked Jesus if he should forgive someone even seven times. Jesus basically told him to just forgive and keep on forgiving, without counting (Matthew 18:21, 22).

To refuse to forgive someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. But forgiving others becomes easy when you start to understand just how much God has forgiven you. Accepting God’s forgiveness for ourselves is the first step in learning to forgive others.

Forgiveness makes you happy.

To accept God’s forgiveness, we must first of all understand our own profound personal need for forgiveness, and the extreme lengths to which God has gone to forgive us. When we accept it, and extend forgiveness to others, it not only brings happiness into our own lives, but makes God happy as well. – Eliezer Gonzalez

Reflection: None of us forgives all those we should, nor as perfectly as we should. Are you being poisoned by withholding forgiveness? Reflect for a while about just how much God has forgiven you. Then make a plan to improve your health and happiness by forgiving the person you need to forgive.

Help Spread the Good News

Ekeh Precious Emogor

Jun 12, 2022

I pray for the grace to forgive those that have offended me in any way. In JESUS Name Amen.

Aaron Tata ndi

Aug 20, 2021

I plead for God's grace to forgive all those people who have been hurting me deliberately in Jesus Christ name, Amen.


Aug 9, 2021

I forgive myself for the mistake I made in my boys life not loving them and nurture them when they needed me even though I had them starting at the age 16 I didn't know nothing myself back in the '70s I feel bad inside cause the street suck my boys up and there was know father in either of there lives and being young myself each child father was abusive towards me and today I see disaster in my baby boy life and I keep praying that God will keep him safe 🙏 from greater disaster in his name sake I weary agreat deal about Robert cause he's so far away from me I am a true believe cause God has open doors in my life and made me whole again and I'm so bless to have God in my life and I thank God everyday noon and night for saving my life from death of drugs and I pray for my son life now who's going down the same path so I take this time and ask that GNU continue to pray on this journey with me and for my son Robert in the name of God our father amen

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