Unlimited: Giving Generously

Jul 19, 2023 733

Unlimited: Giving Generously

…if it is giving, then give generously (Romans 12:8b).

Paul is continuing with a list of spiritual gifts that includes some that every follower of Jesus will have. He has already mentioned serving and encouragement, and now he mentions the gift of giving.

Every follower of Jesus will know what it is to give, because giving is at the heart of the Gospel and therefore of the Christian life. Here is the very core of the Gospel:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (John 3:16.)

We love to receive and in many ways often resist giving, but Jesus said,

…It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35.)

Giving is at the heart of the Gospel and therefore of the Christian life.

If you know that heaven gave all that it had for you, you will freely give to others. You will become less and less selfish and increasingly selfless as you walk with the Lord. The kind of giving that comes from God is that which has no expectation of reward. It is not an investment. As Jesus taught,

Freely you have received; freely give (Matt. 10:8.)

Many people have never thought of giving as also a spiritual gift. However, there are people to whom the Spirit of God has particularly granted the gift of giving, who give with special joy and extravagantly for the sake of others and for the Gospel.

Spiritual Application

How good are you at giving? Do you give joyfully? Do you give generously? What might this reveal about your heart?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News


Jul 19, 2023

Thanks for sharing this great message. God Almighty is the Giver of everything, for that matter, when God gives me, I also give. It’s said that, it is better to Give than to always be expecting to Receive. I pray God to make us good Givers than Receivers.

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