Unlimited: God Fills Your Emptiness

Jul 10, 2020 1950

Unlimited: God Fills Your Emptiness

He has put eternity into man’s heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11, ESV).

Did you know that the universe is 99.999% empty space? We can easily understand that as it applies to outer space, but did you know it also applies to our bodies? If that space were removed from all our bodies, the whole human race would take up the space of a sugar cube! 

In a literal sense, there doesn’t seem to be much substance to people. If makes you wonder what there is about people to love. God knows… literally, because he tells us through the Bible that we are deeply, desperately, and continuously loved. 

If death is the end of it all, then that’s all we are: just empty space, just wasted lives of no consequence.

But death isn’t the end! The Bible says: in God’s great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3).

Jesus has overcome death, so when you believe in him, he fills you with a new life that’s full of joy and hope and purpose.

All those who have accepted salvation in Christ have no more empty space. If you are his, Christ fills every part of your being with eternity.

– Eliezer Gonzalez 

Eli’s Reflection: When our lives are empty, we tend to fill them with many things – to the exclusion of Christ and his gifts. Reflect carefully on your life. What are you filling it with?

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