Unlimited: God is Your Father

May 28, 2018 2208

Unlimited: God is Your FatherYou are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26, KJV).

It is the privilege of all God’s children to call him Father. Perhaps you think you have little faith. Perhaps you want to be full of courage to face the challenges of life, but you stumble at every step, and even shadows make you afraid.

You should think about this: the weakest Christian is as much a child of God as the strongest one. God, our heavenly Father, has the same tender heart towards all. One may do more mighty works, but the person whose name is the least in the kingdom of heaven is as much the child of God as the one who stands among the mightiest in the Kingdom of God. Let this truth encourage and comfort us, when we come to God and say, “Our Father.”’

However, let us not be content with weak faith, but ask, like the Apostles, to have it increased. However weak our faith may be, if it is real faith in Christ, we will reach heaven at last. However, a stronger faith will bring more honour to our Master, and we will be filled with greater joy and peace.

If it is your desire to live for Christ’s glory, then seek to be filled with the spirit of adoption more and more completely. The Spirit of God will cast out fear. –  Charles H. Spurgeon (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: Think about your own faith. Are you a believer with weak faith or with strong faith? Are you satisfied with the faith you have? Ask the Lord to show you one thing that you can do to strengthen your faith on a regular basis.

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