Unlimited: God Opens the Way

Apr 4, 2022 1541

Unlimited: God Opens the Way

I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you (Romans 1:10b).

Paul has been wanting to visit the believers in Rome for a long time. However, the way had not been opened for him to go to them.

Paul recognises that the way for him to visit Rome depends on the way being opened by God’s will. That’s how you pray when you pray in faith. You submit to the will of God whatever it may be.

Paul eventually did end up visiting Rome, but it was in very different circumstances to those for which he had prayed. Such was God’s will. Despite that sorrow that it brought, it also came with great blessing.

God will always open the way for his children, but in his own time and in his own way

Sometimes the ways that we desire or consider to be the best are closed to us by the will of God. It’s natural to wonder why. Paul wondered why at this time the way had been closed for him to go to Rome. However, Paul, who was a willing “slave” of Jesus Christ, was also willing to submit all of his desires and all of his prayers, to the will of God. We should do the same.

God will always open the way for his children, but in his own time and in his own way, such as will be the best for us.

Spiritual Application

Is there a way that you would like God to open for you? Is there a door that seems shut to you in your life? However, do so in surrender to God’s will, with perfect acceptance of what he may choose to do in your life.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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