Unlimited: God Teaches You To Trust In Him

Sep 14, 2021 1661

Unlimited: God Teaches You To Trust Him

The LORD… guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them (Deuteronomy 32:10,11).

Our Heavenly Father in his great love uses all sorts of methods to teach us to trust in him, and distrust in ourselves. Keep in mind they always go together, and are the fruit of the moving of the Divine Spirit. One way that God endeavours to teach us to distrust ourselves and to trust in him is the medium of change.

We read in Deuteronomy 32:11, that as the eagle stirs up her nest and ejects her young, all the while capably and protectively hovering over them, so God stirs up our comfortable nests in order that we might learn to fly by faith in him.

You can trust in him.

When life is monotonously the same and there are few surprises, there often seems little need of divine help. But the most significant things that happen to us are not the ones planned or premeditated. They are the ones that come out of the blue like an angel, or a demon; like the glory of a rainbow, or a shaft of lightning. Who is sufficient for these things? No one. Nobody has the strength, nor the wisdom, to successfully cope with all the emergencies of life. We need God and we need him every moment, and the wise person is the one who acknowledges that fact continually. This is faith. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: What teachable moments are happening in your life right now? What change is happening? What troubles do you have? Think prayerfully about what might be the specific lesson that God is trying to teach you.

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