Unlimited: God’s Good, Pleasing, and Perfect Will

Jul 5, 2023 828

Unlimited: God’s Good, Pleasing, and Perfect Will

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2c).

Many struggle to know the will of God. Yet, you will never begin to know God’s will without a surrendered life and the renewal of the mind which will follow. The Spirit of God wants to replace your carnal mind with a mind that responds to the things of the spirit.

If you want to know and experience the will of God for your life, you must first surrender your life to him. This is no mere theoretical or intellectual process; it is the surrender of the whole life to God. It isn’t doctrinal, but experiential.

As you surrender your life to God you will experience the leading of his will, and you will come to recognise that it is good and perfect.

The Greek word translated here as “test and approve” means that you test, examine, scrutinise and prove whether something is genuine or not. In the context of v.1, this is done through your experience of God in your life. As you surrender your life to God you will experience the leading of his will, and you will come to recognise that it is good and perfect.

There is no greater joy than knowing that your life is in the centre of God’s will. By this, I don’t mean that you are the centre of the universe, but that instead that you are right where God wants you to be, and that he is well-pleased with you.

Spiritual Application

What does knowing God’s will mean for you? On a scale of 1 to 10, how clearly do you think you know the will of God for your life?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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