Unlimited: God’s Invitation

Oct 16, 2019 2120

Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away (Song of Solomon 2:10, NIV).

This is the voice of God speaking to me! He invites me to “Rise up”. Just as he rose from the dead, he invites me to rise up to life in him.

Instead of the love, desires, pursuits, and aspirations of this world, now I want to rise towards him. He loves me and invites me to follow him. He calls me to move away from selfish, sinful living, and learn more about him.

Even when it is impossible for me to lift myself out of my worldly ways, he invites me to focus on him and the beauty of his love. It is as if I am like the prodigal son, coming home after being in the far country, or as if I had been caught in a raging storm, and he saves me and gives me shelter.

By myself I simply cannot escape my sinful ways, but the Lord calls me gently to come home to him. He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, NIV). By the grace of God I find salvation.

– Charles Spurgeon (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: Do you hear the intimate call of your Father God, “Come away with me?” He calls you, “My Love” and he calls you by name. What is your response to God’s invitation? Will you dwell deeply with your God?

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Oct 16, 2019

Amen,i need to rise up .rise up for Jesus My life now is so much hard but thank God i recieved this message encourage me so much...


Oct 16, 2019

Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling,,,calling for me and for you!!! See on a portal He is watching and waiting, waiting for you and for me Come home, come home. Ye, that are weary and tired ? amen

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