Unlimited: God’s Love Poured Out
Aug 30, 2022 1290

because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5b)
When we hope in God, our hope will be fully realised, because of the love of God, received through the Holy Spirit.
The image of God’s love being poured out into our hearts is a powerful one. It evokes the image of an empty, thirsty heart just longing to be filled with love, and of God liberally pouring out his love, like a refreshing stream of water into our hearts.
The Holy Spirit continually pouring God’s love into our hearts buoys us with the assurance of salvation.
This is the first mention of the Holy Spirit in Paul’s epistle to the Roman church. Paul introduces the Holy Spirit in his essential work. What is this work? As he presents it here, it isn’t to give us some extraordinary, miraculous gift; instead, it is to connect us with the greatest gift of all: the love of God. As Jesus said,
…the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God (John 16:27.)
The Holy Spirit continually pouring the love of God into our hearts buoys us with the assurance of salvation. The enemy of our souls has many deadly stratagems to attempt to convince us that we are alone and unloved. It is the assurance of God’s love for us and our acceptance in Christ that keeps us going. That is the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Application
The Holy Spirit is given as a gift to all those who accept the Gospel. Is the Holy Spirit working in your life? If so, then you will have assurance of salvation and the peace that God provides. If that isn’t the case, could it be that you are yet to understand and accept the Gospel?
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