Unlimited: God’s Love is Vast in Its Breadth
Mar 12, 2018 2358
I pray that you… may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:17–18).
What can be more encouraging and more exhilarating than to think of this breadth of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ?
We have no conception of the greatness of God’s plan of salvation and of its scope. In Luke’s Gospel we are told that some people came to Jesus one day and asked the question, “Are there few that be saved?” (13:23).
The Bible teaches that we shall be surprised when we see all the redeemed standing in the presence of their Redeemer.
When you are tempted to doubt whether there is any future, the answer is to look at the breadth of Christ’s love, to look ahead, to look into the glory and get a glimpse of the final result of His finished work.
Once you begin to realise the breadth of His love you will lift up your head, your heart will begin to sing with joy, and you will realise that you have the privilege of being one humble member in a mighty army, one in this thronging multitude who will spend their eternity in the presence of the Lamb of God, and enjoy Him for ever. This is the breadth of His love! – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: We all regularly need something to lift us above ourselves so we can see God’s bigger picture. For some people it can be worship music, for others it’s being out in nature, and for others it can be spending time with the Bible. What is it for you? Make a plan to do it regularly.
Apr 9, 2018
Very inspiring,nice work